Meeting with H.E. Mr. Mohammad Jusuf Kalla, the Vice President of Republic of Indonesia
On February 20, Mr. Matsushita, the Vice Chairman of Kansai Economic Federation (KANKEIREN) had a formal talks with H.E. Mr. Kalla, the Vice President of Republic of Indonesia at Imperial Hotel Osaka.
H.E. Mr. Kalla expressed his appreciation for KANKEIREN's long-term support of human resource development of the Indonesian young managers and cooperation for the Indonesian economy and industries. He promotes the investments from Kansai not only in Java but also other areas in Indonesia, where has well-endowed with labor and natural resources.
In responding to Mr. Kalla's gratitude for the support by KANKEIREN, Mr. Matsushita promised that KANKEIREN will continue the support to Indonesian industries. He requested infrastructure developments and business environment arrangement which are inevitable both to drum up further activities of Kansai companies and to facilitate the investments from Kansai in Java and other areas in Indonesia.