Traditionally, Kansai has attracted people from inside and outside the country,
and instigated new socio-economic models according to the times
through groundbreaking initiatives and innovations.
has that spirit faded in the so-called lost 30 years
following the collapse of the bubble economy?
And presently, we find ourselves in the midst of crisis from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now more than ever, in the spirit of the first penguin
that plunges headfirst into uncharted water,
Kansai will become a region that creates new value by attracting and fostering groundbreaking corporations and people.
Moreover, Kansai will pioneer new ground,
going on to demonstrate and practice new forms of socio-economics.
The First Penguin
The first penguin is the one that breaks away to plunge headfirst into uncharted water, where predators might be lurking, in search of food.
In turn, we call those who take the lead in pioneering into new territory are known as first penguins
Kansai Economic Federation
“Kansai; a pioneer region, with the spirit of the first penguin”
This is Kansai Vision 2030’s concept.
The economy in the Kansai region has been in a slump since the 1970 Expo Osaka , but there were encouraging signs in recent times leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic.
These days, it is thought that a paradigm shift is underway, and this will progress even more rapidly from here on, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The intervening decade till 2030 is not only a turning point where we ought to update socioeconomic realities to new forms,
but for Kansai, it is also prime time to raise the region's profile both domestically and abroad with opportunities such as Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai.
Whether or not we can overcome the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, make the Expo a success,
and set Kansai on a new development track to the SDGs' goal year of 2030 will become a watershed that shapes Kansai's future over the coming decades.
What we need is a strong will and bold practice to pioneer new ground without fear of failure, seizing the COVID-19 pandemic as a chance for change.
Heading towards 2030, what kind of future will Kansai clear the way to, and will we come up with an exciting set of values?
Mindful of this, we conceived "What we want Kansai to be, what Kansai should be,"
and for the first time in twelve years, put together as a long-term vision a course providing a compass for activities over the next decade.
"Those without dreams are without ideals; those without ideals are without plans; those without plans are without action; and those without action are without success. Therefore, those without dreams do not succeed."
We will implement 2030's "What we want Kansai to be, what Kansai should be"
and strive for an economic zone with a GRP of 20%.
Matching words with deeds and producing results is what Kankeiren does.
Here on, we will draw up a concrete mid-term plan and fight for it with dogged determination.
>>Set against the background of an ever more declining birthrate, aging society, depopulation, the march of globalization, the rapid progress of technology and digitalization, and the diversification of values and lifestyles–not to mention the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic– socioeconomic realities are showing signs of undergoing fundamental change, and it is assumed that they will continue to do so at a rapid pace from here on.
>>The economy and confluence of people in Kansai have been in a long-term slump since the Expo Osaka held in 1970, but have been recovering in recent years.
Moreover, owing to such factors as inbound growth and holding Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai, the region's profile as a place for international exchange has been rising.
>>Based on the ongoing paradigm shift and starting from the future, we will formulate long-term visions for Kansai aiming for 2030:
"What we want Kansai to be, what Kansai should be" and "The Direction of Kankeiren's Activities for Realization."
>>Besides making a splash in the world, we will present reforms and challenges by Kankeiren both within and outside our federation for realizing what we want Kansai to be, what Kansai should be.
Until Recently
From Now ~ From These Days to 2030 and Beyond ~
Until Recently
From Now
Until Recently
From Now
Until Recently
From Now
Until Recently
From Now
Until Recently
From Now
Until Recently
From Now
Until Recently
From Now
We will establish "Look West" and "One Kansai"
as important perspectives on the occasion of shooting 7 arrows
for the realization of what we want Kansai to be, what Kansai should be.
Optimal usage of resources from a broad perspective
Organic connection with distinctive cities
Gathering a variety of interested parties
Firstly, Kansai Economic Federation will assume the initiative for realizing what we want Kansai to be, what Kansai should be;
and, in order to advance this action ever more assuredly, we believe there are these three strengths that should be brought to bear as driving forces.As we endeavor from here for realizing what we want Kansai to be, what Kansai should be,
we must not lose sight of the essence that has been passed down in Kansai uninterrupted and should remain unchanged.
Look at Asia
Recognizing that Kansai is a part of both the world and Asia, we will endeavor from a thoroughly Asian viewpoint towards the reinvigoration of the mutual connection between Asia and Kansai.
Look at Western Japan
We believe that we should seek out collaboration in various fields with Western Japan, which we share a deep historical and geographical connection with.
Look at Kansai itself
Rather than simply declaring that Tokyo centralization ought to be redressed, we will consider how Kansai ought to develop, making the most of Kansai's unique strengths and clearing the path ahead ourselves.
Optimal usage of resources from a broad perspective
In order to fully utilize our limited resources, we believe that we ought to endeavor effectively and efficiently from the perspective of overall optimization that demonstrates the unified collective strength of the greater Kansai area, rather than the specific optimization of each prefecture.
Organic connection with distinctive cities
Compared to some regions with only a single major city that plays a central role, Kansai has several unique cities that hold sway in relatively close proximity. It is crucial for each of those cities to cooperate organically and enhance the collective strength of Kansai as a whole.
Gathering a variety of interested parties
Beginning with corporations, we need all concerned parties such as universities, the government, and NPOs to endeavor not separately but as one in order to achieve a common goal and demonstrate their respective strengths.
Universities play a crucial role in the region as knowledge centers creating unique research and home-grown startups, not to mention as educational institutions producing large numbers of talent that will shape the future and providing opportunities for recurrent education.
Notably, Kansai is a region with a wealth of outstanding universities, and we will consider those universities crucial partners whose strengths we ought to maximize, and through dialogue concerning mutual issues and aspirations, we will seek out how we can collaborate in various fields and put the fruit of those efforts into practice. Moreover, we will proactively advance collaborations with universities having expertise in various fields so Kansai Economic Federation's propositions and proposals can permeate throughout and resonate with the world. In addition, we will remain keenly aware of the presence of universities and various research institutions as centers that create knowledge.
The role performed by corporations, which form the core of economic activity and possess various resources, is extremely crucial in the development of a region, and it wields the power to make a large impact on society. Also, the role played by the power of individuals such as pro bono volunteers, who make the most of their skills, experience, and networks and contribute to society, has been attracting attention in recent years.
We will recapture the history in which the private sector was a powerful force in the regional development of Kansai, and place it as the most crucial driving force in our endeavors from here on.
Reflecting on Kansai's history, it can be said that the region has carried a spirit of self-reliance for better or for worse, and it has been relatively reluctant until now to count on the public compared to other regions, partly owing to the distance that separated it from the government over the centuries. However, as can be seen in the recent response to the COVID-19 pandemic, how the government reacts significantly impacts regional socioeconomics.
As Kansai Economic Federation, we will always bear in mind joint development from the perspective of the greater Kansai area, endeavoring not only with local governments including various prefectures, but especially with the Union of Kansai Governments, which we were closely involved in establishing and the only integrated administration of a large region in Japan transcending a prefecture, as our main partner.
As we endeavor from here for realizing what we want Kansai to be, what Kansai should be, we must not lose sight of the essence that has been passed down in Kansai uninterrupted and should remain unchanged.
The underlying essence of Kansai may be enumerated as first the tradition based on history and second the wealth of culture that has been fostered by that tradition. The natural features of the region such as the climate and the land have refined the sensibilities of its people, and those sensibilities have fostered their values and behavioral patterns over the centuries, while matchless worth like historical heritages such the cityscapes and classical theater have been passed down to present times. Additionally, Kansai has a diverse and rich natural environment, beginning with the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean, Osaka Bay and the Harima Sea located in the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea, Lake Biwa, and in addition to various rivers, Mt. Rokko adjacent to the city.
Also, the Kansai spirit–which includes an enterprising temperament, tolerance, independence and freedom, and a disposition appreciating creativity and enjoyment–is an essence that ought to be fully demonstrated. It is imperative that the development towards a new age that makes the most of such an underlying essence of Kansai is befitting of the region and is in touch with its own attractions.
Advancing the Asia Business Creation (ABC) Platform
Enhancement of Kansai's role as an international exchange center
Construction of an innovation ecosystem leading to collaboration with corporations & universities and the reinvigoration of R&D
Development of a structure that promotes the intermixing of diverse entities & cooperative industry for innovation & solutions to societal challenges across the Kansai region
Initiatives for the enhancement of the Union of Kansai Governments' roleProposals for bold transfers of the authority & financial resources necessary to implement measures deemed essential from a broad perspective
Promotion of decentralization including the "doshusei" regional government system & a decentralized society
Advocacy of a structure for instilling the role corporations ought to play in a new age conscious of multi-stakeholders
Initiatives for enhancing corporate collaborations with government
Thematic examples: local reinvigoration & various societal challenges such as responses to natural disasters & infectious diseases as well as energy & environmental issues
Actualization of Kansai as the top region for attracting and fostering people who seek opportunitiesPeople who want to play an active role on the corporate stage (especially women & foreign exchange students); people who lead the world in various fields (entrepreneurs, top athletes, academics, etc.); people who choose a work style unrestrained by a single organization or independent of employment
Initiatives for improving employment diversity & mobilityIntroduction of pioneering issues regarding the state of the corporate employment system & university education as well as various legislative systems
Advancement of data usage in health & medical fields
Initiatives for a developed region in sportsDevelopment of a structure that reinvigorates sports as something to be played, spectated & supported as well as creates & succeeds the legacy of the World Masters Games 2021 Kansai
Formulation of a blueprint that collects assorted measures for the advancement of digital transformation (DX) as a region
~Kansai DX Strategy 2025 (Tentative Name)~